Platinum Realty recently raised $1,200 benefiting BioIntegrity at their Client Appreciation Party. This amount protects 339 acres, will keep over 67,000 tons of greenhouse gasses out of the atmosphere, protects oxygen production for hundreds of people, helps prevent the extinction of the 3 critically endangered species: the Sumatran Tiger, Sumatran Elephant, and Sumatran Orangutan, and... tremendously helps the future viability of the 1,775 macro species and 2 indigenous tribes who live in Sumatra, and much more.

BioIntegrity is a globally-minded company with Central Texas roots, working to protect and restore Earth’s most vital ecosystems. The young company has already achieved some tremendous successes; namely, helping to save an astonishing 8,500 plant and animal species and over 45,000 acres of Earth’s most climate-healing ecosystems.

To learn more or make a donation contact it’s Founder or visit their website:

Chris Searles

Founder, President

BioIntegrity, LLC
